Welcome to the home page for the Grace and Harold Sewell Memorial Fund for medical and health sciences librarians. Enjoy learning more about the fund at this site!
"The Grace and Harold Sewell Memorial Fund received the Distinguished Service Award for its impact on librarians’ active engagement in AACP, within their schools’ pharmacy education curriculum and across the academy for over two decades."
We are happy to announce that the application period is open for the 2025/2026 Learning Partnership!
The current Learning Partnership is well underway at the Planetary Health Alliance! Click here to read more about the current Learning Partnership and past Learning Partnerships <read more>
The Grace and Harold Sewell Memorial Fund is honored to be the recipient of the Distinguished Service Award from the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. AACP Announces 2024 Recipients of Top Awards in Research, Teaching, Service and More (click here!)!
"The Grace and Harold Sewell Memorial Fund received the Distinguished Service Award for its impact on librarians’ active engagement in AACP, within their schools’ pharmacy education curriculum and across the academy for over two decades."
We are happy to announce that the application period is open for the 2025/2026 Learning Partnership!
The current Learning Partnership is well underway at the Planetary Health Alliance! Click here to read more about the current Learning Partnership and past Learning Partnerships <read more>
The Grace and Harold Sewell Memorial Fund is honored to be the recipient of the Distinguished Service Award from the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. AACP Announces 2024 Recipients of Top Awards in Research, Teaching, Service and More (click here!)!
Our Mission
The mission of the Grace and Harold Sewell Memorial Fund is to increase librarians' identification with medical, pharmaceutical, and health care professionals. Medicine for the 21st Century underlines the key role of information resources in raising the quality of health care.(1) Librarians experienced in managing knowledge and teaching informatics can supply quality information by becoming ongoing members of the health care team. Immersion in the health care environment is necessary for librarians to understand how health care professionals solve problems individually and through consensus.
To help us achieve our mission, we focus on programs in two major areas:
To help us achieve our mission, we focus on programs in two major areas:
Learning Partnerships
This fellowship or sabbatical program has been designed to provide funding for librarians (including information scientists) to spend up to a year, immersed in the environment of a health care or research organization, working to identify with and further the goals of the host professional. We annually fund one Learning Partnership. <For more information on this program, click here...>
The Stipend Program provides for librarians and information specialists to attend the national professional meetings of their clients. The first distribution of stipends from the fund took place in November 2001, and has continued annually. Stipends have been awarded to attend AACP (American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy) and APHA (American Public Health Association) national meetings.
<For more information on this program, click here...>
<For more information on this program, click here...>
Download Grace and Harold Sewell Memorial Fund Brochure
(1) Institute of Medicine. Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century. Washington, DC, National Academy Press, 2001. http://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25057539/